서울대학교 사범대학 생물교육과
美 Stanford University
美 Columbia University
1998.04. – 2010.08.
교육과학기술부 행정사무관
2010.09. – 현재
서울대학교 사범대학 교육학과
2022.09. – 2024.08.
서울대학교 교육행정연수원장
Jeong, D. W., Moon, H., Jeong, S. M, & Moon, C. J. (2024).
Digital capital accumulation in schools, teachers, and students and academic achievement: Cross-country evidence from the PISA 2018, International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 107.
Luschei, T. F., & Jeong, D. W. (2023).
Organizing schools for improvement: the role of school decision making and authority. In Tierney, R., Rizvi, F., & Ercikan, K. (eds) International Encyclopedia of Education, 4th edition. Elsevier Science.
Luschei, T. F., & Jeong, D. W. (2021).
School Governance and Student Achievement: Cross-National Evidence From the 2015 PISA. Educational Administration Quarterly, 57(3), 331-371.